School News
Gurdwara Visit 2025
Years 3 and 4 R.E topic this term is Sikhi therefore, on Monday 3rd March, the children spent the morning visiting the Gurdwara in Northampton. This is an integral part of their learning experience, where they had the opportunity to view the traditions and customs of the Sikh Faith.
"When we got there we went to a room called the shoe room where we took our shoes off so we don’t get it muddy because it is very special to Sikhs. We washed our hands so if we touch something it will not get dirty. We went into the main hall and listened to the Guru Granth Sahib being read. After that, we went to a display room and then we went to a room called the langer where homeless people get food. When we left we went to look at the flag which gets taken down every year. It was a fun experience."- Stefan H, Year 4
"When we got there we had to wear a scarf on our head and take our shoes off. My group went to the main room first and listened to a man talking about Sikhs and the Gurwara. We looked at all the amazing things in the room. Then we walked to the other side and saw their holy book which is known as the Guru Granth Sahib. After that we listened to a song in a different language while the other group came in. We then went upstairs to the museum and saw a bracelet and a sword but we were not allowed to open the case. Then we went downstairs for refreshments. I had a bourbon and some orange juice and then we left." - Vesper M, Year 4