Mrs Marsh - Inclusion Manager Miss Norton - Pastoral Support Assistant
Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEN/D)
Our belief at Brixworth CEVC Primary School is that every child, including those with additional needs, can achieve their potential, with the right support in place. Early intervention, high quality teaching as well as high expectations, are key to success. We do our upmost to understand each child’s individual needs to ensure the right support is in place at the right time. We value our relationships with all of our parents and carer’s and recognise the positive impact of collaborative working on the progress children make.
For children with Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability, who receive different and/or additional provision, we use a graduated response of assess, plan, do, review to constantly monitor the impact of support provided.
Our staff team has a range of knowledge and skills to best enable that support. Included in that is an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and Nurture UK trained staff.
All children with an additional need are important members of our school community. Children are encouraged to take part in an extensive range of extra-curricular activities at lunch times and after school. Every effort is made to ensure that all pupils are able to participate in the PE curriculum, clubs, trips and residential visits. Sometimes, following parental/carer consent, external professionals are commissioned by the school to gain advice and support on how best to support an individual child's needs.
Some children have additional help in specific lessons and/or additional interventions of support, including nurture support at lunchtimes. This will depend on a child’s individual need. If a child continually needs more help and support, High Needs Funding (HNF) or an Educational, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be applied for following a discussion with parents/carers.
Our school’s Inclusion Manager, Mrs Sharon Marsh, holds a Postgraduate Certificate in SEN’s. She is always happy to meet and discuss any concerns parents may have and can be contacted either by calling the school office on 01604 883900 or by email:
The School’s Accessibility Plan
As required under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the school has an Action Plan which shows improvements that could be made in order to increase access to the school by pupils with disabilities. A ‘lunch club’ is also available to some children who find the longer, less structured part of the day more challenging.
West Northants Voices in Partnership is:
A Parent Carer Forum is a group made up of parents and carers who take care of children and/or young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities. Their role is to team up with local authorities, schools, health services, and other groups to make sure that the services provided, meet the needs of disabled children and their families.
Parent Carer participation means that parents and professionals join forces, respecting each other's expertise, to make smart choices about children's services that use time and money wisely.
They have a number of events that can be found on the following links
WNVP West Northants Voices in Partnership
If you sign up and become a member of their page then you will receive regular updates of support/information available to you.
West Northants Voices in Partnership at membermojo
West Northamptonshire Local Offer
The Local Offer publishes services available for children and young people (aged 0-25) with special educatio nal needs and disabilities. Please visit Local Offer | West Northamptonshire Council
Information Advice and Support Service for SEND (IASS)
Information Advice and Support Service for SEND (IASS) in Northamptonshire is an impartial and confidential service which gives free information, advice and support about matters relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The service operates at arms length from the local authority and clinical commissioning groups through independently trained staff. The service is for parents or carers of children aged 0-25.
SEND Support Services
The SEND Support Service offers advice and support to families.
SEND Support Service | West Northamptonshire Council
SEND Ranges
The launch of the West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) SEND Ranges is a significant step forward in ‘making inclusion happen’ throughout all education years for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities aged between 0 and 25.
The Ranges are the local approach to providing a graduated response to identify and meet children’s needs appropriately. They provide a set standard for each child or young person that can better outline what support is needed based on children’s individual needs or behaviours.
The needs are grouped together into ‘Ranges’ to provide guidance for anyone working with children and young people with SEND. This includes the guiding principles on key areas of education and support such as; assessment and planning, teaching and learning strategies, curriculum and interventions as well as resources needed, creating an approved standard of quality support for behaviours.
A copy of the SEND Ranges can be found
The SEND Ranges - WNC | West Northamptonshire Council
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pdf Understanding and Supporting Sensory Differences | Download Preview |
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pdf SEND Report 2024 | Download Preview |