For a number of years now the school has had a whole school vision linked to our Christian ethos. This is:
Be the Best You Can Be – Academically, Socially, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually within a safe, healthy, inspirational and enjoyable environment.
It is linked to the bible verse below, taken from Ephesians 2.10.
This vision for all our school family being the ‘best they can be’ is very important to us and something we want the children to really focus on.
Each class will have a fortnightly award, linked to one of the following aspects, Academic, Social, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. To make these more child friendly we have used the artwork, that was in the school, that links the vision to actual bees. Our School ‘Bees’.
We discussed with our children and staff about what they felt should be the main values in our school. From their input we have selected eight to use across our school year in worships and as part of our half termly focus. The values selected are:
Love, Peace, Courage, Thankfulness, Kindness, Service, Forgiveness and Truth.