The Governors
The Governing Board works in close co-operation with the staff, children and parents to ensure the effective management of the school. Our role is to provide a strategic view of where the school is heading and to support and challenge the Headteacher with the daily running of the school.
As a Governing Board we welcome your views and if you have anything you want to talk over, please contact any member of the Governing Board through the school. We meet at least twice a term and hold sub-committee meetings at various times.
If you would like to be a member of the Governing Board, please let us know.
Aims of the Governing Board
All schools in England have a Governing Board which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately to represent the school community. The Governing Board works in close partnership with the headteacher, staff and the local authority. Whilst the headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the role of the governing board is strategic. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.
We agree to adopt the DfE guidance (2015) on clarification of GB functions
Establish the strategic direction by
- Setting the vision, values and objectives for the school
- Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets
- Meeting statutory duties
- Ensuring accountability
- Appointing the headteacher
- Monitoring progress towards targets
- Performance manage the headteacher
- Engaging with stakeholders
- Contributing to school self- evaluation
- Ensuring financial probity
- Setting the budget
- Monitoring spend against budget
- Ensuring value for money is obtained
- Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed
From April 2016 the governing body now consists of:
- The Headteacher
- One elected staff governor
- One appointed local authority governor
- Two elected parent governors
- Three foundation governors
- Four co-opted governors, one who shall be from non–teaching staff
Total: 12
Up to three non-voting associate governors (as and when) may be appointed for a period of two years.
The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The chair and vice-chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.
The governors who can be contacted via the school office or via email at
Much of the work of the governing body is done by committees. At Brixworth Primary, we have the following committees:
- Finance
- Personnel
- Headteacher Performance Management