"We were watching the clock carefully, tick tock, tick tock. Then, 10:40 struck! We all jumped out of our seats and sprinted to the hall. Mrs Devereux did a quick register check. Everybody moved onto the coach. We were all very excited and also nervous. After 30 minutes on the coach, we arrived at Daventry Country Park. Everybody went over to the field and we found a place to set up. After that, we all got told how long we were going to have to run and we all walked the whole course. Then it was time for the year 3’s to run! The rest of us were cheering them on as they reached the finish line. Soon it was year 4s turn, then year 5s, then year 6s. After all of that they hosted the fun run. 20 minutes later, the man did the ceremony and… WE WON! For the 9th time!! Brixworth had won the shield back from Moulton! - By Joshua and Darcy
KS2 Cross Country
Sports Events
PE Policy
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