We Should Be The Best We Can Be For We Are All God's Masterpiece

It is our intention that we want children to leave Brixworth Primary School having a firm grasp of all aspects of the maths curriculum, to understand and explain how calculations work and to be able to apply this to everyday life situations. We want all children to have an enjoyment of maths and understand that maths is so important to life beyond the classroom.

We aim to develop this understanding through thorough coverage of the curriculum in each year group and children are supported to deepen their learning through prove it style questions which enable children to explain their reasoning and justify their mathematical thinking. Further deepening questions include finding the errors in calculations, justifying a statement, explain why a statement may be true or false and presenting learning in different ways.

We have an outline of the coverage across all the strands of the curriculum and we use a range of resources to enhance and develop teaching and learning. Teaching is build up with children using concrete manipulatives (objects) and pictorial representations (pictures), before moving to abstract symbols (numbers and signs).

Maths Picture 2019

Within this, children first become fluent with the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems. Next is mathematical reasoning by following a line of enquiry, form conclusions about relationships and generalisations and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language. Finally, children apply their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. Children are taught to use the correct mathematical language when discussing, explaining reasoning and when justifying answers.

Through their time here at Brixworth Primary children build and develop on what they learnt previously, this giving them the confidence and enthusiasm for Maths.

Here are some useful websites and ideas of activities to help children at home.






Contact the School

Brixworth CEVC Primary School

Froxhill Crescent
Northampton NN6 9BG
Phone: 01604 883900


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